Multiple Sclerosis

The benefits of exercise to the management of MS are wide-ranging and well documented. Still, designing an exercise program for MS warriors requires forethought and care.

Kim: MS Warrior | Runner | Positive Thinker

There are plenty of MS athletes who are taking on big challenges. But, when starting out, it is important to know your limits. Some PTs use the 2-hour rule: If you’re still tired two hours after activity, you pushed yourself too far.

Most MS exercise programs include moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, stretching, and progressive strength training. Stretching for at least 10 minutes each day is essential, as it allows MS warriors to maintain their range of motion and helps to ease their symptoms. The aerobic exercise of choice may depend on the individual’s symptoms. For example, an MS athlete with leg weakness might try rowing or water aerobics.

Badass Dave Bexfield, a world traveler and MS athlete, disseminates well-researched information about being active with multiple sclerosis and creates community at, as well as on the corresponding social media channels. The exercise advice and gear recommendations on his website are must-reads.

Bill: 24x Marathoner | 26-year BikeMSer | MS Fighter

The Multiple Sclerosis Trust’s website contains a collection of exercises compiled by a neurophysiotherapist. These are divided into 12 routines, allowing website visitors to build their own exercise program.

If you are a multiple sclerosis Badass, we’d love to learn what works for you! Please feel free to email with your fitness tips and MS hacks.

The content on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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